What Makes a Good Husband?
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Pastors, by indexing on a woman's feeling because Fear of Women's Rage, are now blinded into what makes a good husband.
This is because they have lost sight of what is a marriage.
Many succumb to the happy wife, happy life; and that if a woman is unhappy, the man needs to take responsibility for someone else's emotions.
But Marriage Reflects the Gospel
In it, the husband is like Christ; and the wife is like the church.
But what pastors miss as do their wives is they tweak it in two ways.
"I will submit to my husband when he acts like Christ."
And pastors twist to be Christ like to, "Serve your wife (because failure to serve means she is unhappy....so unhappy wife is a failure to serve...shame on you)."
When the definition is only set against how someone feels, especially when that someone often will be perpetually unhappy, this is setting up for failure.
If the marriage is to reflect back to the world and to the church the Gospel, what is the role of the husband?
Most people set them up to fail by focusing on Christ' divine perfection -- and get out of jail for providing any respect because no man can be perfect.
Some say that it is about Christ's laying down his life -- and say that when the man lays down his life, then they will respect him.
But the majority of men, if actually facing the real threat, will lay down their lives; but most wives do not recognize this, don't believe this, because they don't want to; because they will seek reasons to not believe it. It benefits them to not believe this, because this justifies their ultimate desire, which is control.
By denying this, they can't relinquish control; so it's often an easy thing to forget.
Ask a woman, and most will ignore this fact.
Ask most men, and they acknowledge this is likely what they would have to do, out of duty.
But for women, this bravery through duty is not enough.
So the criticisms continue; because duty doesn't evoke the feelings they needs.
Sadly, the greatest similarity and reminder of the Gospel committed by husbands is this: to receive the flogging, criticism, curses, and disrespect.
This is the actul state of the world; it's depressing but it should be uplifting if you are in the rare exception.
To be akin to Christ, you will be pierced by words from your own wife. You will be rejected by your wife.
But you are here to save -- save the next generations as Christ did.
This is why pastors often fail to restore the marriage, in the same way that the pharisees were unable to do so, blinded by their laws and the need for things to appear right.
This is why the law is against men, for the law, represented by the Roman government, capitulated against Christ.
Women will say that this perspective is narcissitic; even if there is rampant criticism, they can't stop and look within and say, What am I doing?
A good husband unfortunately daily takes it, as Christ did, and looks up to the Father, daily, take this cup from me.
Christ, however, looked up those whom he could save to restore the children to the Father, the real Father in Heaven.
The world wants to separate Christ from God's children; it is the nature of the world and the Enemy. And women often mimic this same behavior, pulling upon the law and a deep desire to separate from their fathers, even on a very subtle point, whenever they can.
The definition of a good husband has been indexed on the feelings of women; and men fearful of runnig into the rage of women Fear of Women's Rage follow suit, and teh cycle continuesl.