Free y from the Lies - Day 2
There's a war for your mind.
These are arguments that set your very thoughts against God's truth.
Going to church, calling yourself a Christian, voting a certain way -- none of those reflect whether or not your mind has been taken captive by the world.
There are three things every freed mind must know.
Awareness of the arguments by the world
Most people aren't even aware that there are "arguments" that are "against the knowledge of God."
Two reasons for this.
First, you aren't aware of or sensitive to the realities of indoctrination by the world.
Indoctrination has been mislabeled as something only performed by controlling tyrants and dystopian futures.
But indoctrination is a fancy way of saying "teach into."
Your parents who raised you on how to think about yourself and about the world was "indoctrinating" you.
The content you ingest -- Netflix, Youtube, Kindle, podcasts -- all of those are teaching you ways of thinking and facts to believe...that is also a form of "indoctrination."
The people you are around, including elders and leaders at your church, can be indoctrinating you by their words, their behavior -- and not all of those will be based in the truth of God.
The second is ignorance to the knowledge of God.
It's hard to withstand indoctrination when the truth, itself, is not something you can hold firm to.
Scriptural illiteracy and a lack of relational depth into the fullness of Jesus leaves you vulnerable to indoctrination - arguments that differ from the truth.
And trust me, if an argument differs from God, it is against. There is no middle ground.
So once you are aware, what's the second essential to freeing your mind?
Taking your thoughts captive
The lie is that our thoughts have a life of their own.
But we can take our thoughts captive -- in the Greek "aichmalōtízō" -- which is used in a military context of taking prisoners.
That captivity, ironically, free your thoughts. Why?
Because the captivity is to bring your thinking into obedience to Christ. And in Christ your thoughts are set free.
But most people don't understand it; not do they have a simple, repeatable practice to do this.
What do you think?
How do you engage with your thoughts and what challenges do you face with this concept?
Listen to the full audio message to go in depth.
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